About us . . .
Current information on CCCC's corporate status, officers and membership
Web finding tools on toxic substances, who's releasing them in your neighborhood, and their known health effects.
*CCCC Newsletters (individual articles are regularly updated) :
Regional news articles posted on this site:
Homegrown news from CCCC:
Farmersville Dump FAQs (frequently asked questions):

How big will the Farmersville dump be?

What burdens will the proposed dump create?

Isn't there a local need for waste disposal?

Hasn't the dump already been granted a permit?

Doesn't IWS have a questionable background?

Why is the review process taking so long?

What's happening with the County's Park Plan?

What's the position of the Farmersville Town Board?
Landfills operating in western New York:
Active landfill proposals in western New York:
The West Valley high-level nuclear and hazardous dump site, and nuclear waste issues:

--includes links to public comments submitted by EPA, NYSERDA, DOE,

CCCC, and the Coalition on West Valley Nuclear Wastes.
Where is Farmersville?

The Allegheny River
From its headwaters in Pennsylvania, the Allegheny pushes north into NewYork State, forming an oxbow before plunging south to Pittsburgh; the Farmersville area watershed provides an important source of Allegheny River waters at the oxbow.
Updates on other New York landfills:
New York State, New York City and national waste policies:
Flow Control Legislation?
(updated 2/25/2001) The wind has been knocked out of the sails of the flow control debate; market forces prevail, so citizens should fight it out in the open society, the American way. (See also "Commerce Clause," below.)
Other important solid waste policy topics:
Landfill Gas Rules
Recent regulations impose strict and costly requirements on large landfills, and most faciltities in New York are violating the rules.