Let the State Know it is time to Clean Up the West Valley Nuclear Site
Bring your mop, bucket and broom to a
West Valley Cleanup Crew Media Event!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
12:00 Noon News Conference
NYS Energy Research & Development Agency
726 Exchange Street, Buffalo, NY 14210
Join a coalition of environmental, religious, conservation and community groups and state policymakers. The media event will alert the public to the end of the public comment period on the West Valley cleanup plan and announce a "Phoneathon Day" on September 2nd where people are asked to call the Department of Energy in support of a full cleanup.
The main theme of the event is to have a "cleanup crew" of people with mops, buckets and brooms call on the state and federal agencies to approve a full cleanup of the West Valley site to protect Lake Erie.
Sponsored by Center for Health, Environment & Justice, Catholic Charities, Citizens' Environmental Coalition, Great Lakes Sports Fishing Council, Nuclear Information & Resource Service, Sierra Club Niagara Group and others. For more information, contact Diane D'Arrigo, NIRS, at dianed@nirs.org